Now this is something completely different! 20205 & 20189 haul 73136 Mhairi, 4-TC set 428 & (hidden by the post) 20142 Sir John Betjeman & 20007 past Challow on 14 May 2018, running as the 5Z20 11:15 Ferme Park to Kidderminster, in preparation for the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. This was booked to use the relief line here, but as it was running late, and more importantly because 66712 Peterborough Power Signalbox was sat in the loop just behind me, it was routed along the main, and certainly seemed to be doing at least its booked 60mph. Although I have photographed Class 20s on most of my local lines, I think this may be my first picture of the class in the Vale of White Horse. A pity I had to wait until the route was disfigured by overhead catenary! |