An extremely rare working at Steventon on 21 May 1991. 37372 hauls failed 60051 Mary Somerville (then only two months old) with the late running 6B23 13:12 Colnbrook to Waterston oil empties. I had been photographing at South Moreton during the evening, and after it clouded up was just about to go home when this train appeared. I hastily grabbed a shot (in B&W) and then raced around Didcot and was in time to get another shot (again in B&W) at Milton. As it was now on the relief line, I realised it might be possible to get a third shot at Steventon. Although the light level was still very low, requiring a 1/125sec exposure, a trace of the setting sun can just be seen highlighting the driver as the ensemble pulls out of the loop. |