A very unusual event occurred on 30 October 1991, when the rear power car of the 1A54 09:45 Penzance to Paddington 'Cornishman' failed prior to departure from Penzance. As this was in the days when every effort was made to runs trains, rather than just canceling them, the train was sent on its way with just the leading power car. To make it more unusual, Royal Mail red liveried BG 92339 was added to the rear of the train, in place of the defunct power car! 43020 is pictured here passing Norton Fitzwarren, with the red interloper clearly visible at the back. Unsurprisingly this was running 25 minutes late, but that's not too bad, considering that the single power car had to cope with the ferocious Hemerdon and Dainton Banks. |