Pictured in weak evening sunshine and with blackthorn blossom prominent in the foreground, 50014 Warspite passes Churchill Heath with the 1B46 17:00 Paddington to Hereford service on 23 April 1987. Although remote from any roads (or perhaps because of that fact) this was an ideal location to photograph the evening loco hauled trains on the Cotswold Line during the 1980s, with the wood in the background adding to the picturesque location. Unfortunately the blackthorn bushes in the foreground got a little too dominant and eventually the view was lost. The sun was gradually fading out into high cloud on this occasion and as I already had the 100mm lens wide open at f2.8, in order to get 1/500sec required for Kodachrome 64, I was hoping the light wouldn't drop any further. It was several years before I bought the f2 version of that particular Canon lens! |