56301 passes Lock Wood, near Culham on 10 December 2012 with the 6Z91 13:55 Hinksey to Didcot Power Station flyash empties. After the previous week's problems with this train, the wagons had been left at Hinksey Yard. Consequently, 56301 had worked down from Calvert light engine as the 0Z91 10:53 Calvert to Hinksey. As the later than normal timings south of Oxford would allow a much better lighting angle, I investigated this location, which I hadn't used for a number of years. Luckily the train was running a few minutes early, as one of two things was about to happen. Either the rapidly moving shadows were going to completely spoil the shot, or the massive bank of cloud coming in from the east was going to blot out the sun altogether! |