66031 passes Compton Beauchamp on 13 September 2016 with the 6A03 04:45 Severnside Sita to Brentford Binliner empties. Although this was 37 minutes after sunrise, it was in fact only a minute after the sun had finally appeared from behind a bank of cloud near the horizon. I had been meaning to get a picture of this new working for some time, despite it being hauled by a mundane DB Cargo Shed. However, I had been thwarted by early running, cloud and fog, and I was beginning to think that by mid September I had missed my chance, at least on the Swindon to Didcot section of the Great Western Mainline. This view will be ruined by summer 2017, although theoretically the ugly 25kV catenary should have been in place several years ago! |