Class 52

D1010 Dunster 31 October 1992

D1010 Western Campaigner (masquerading as D1035 Western Yeoman) approaches Dunster on 31 October 1992 with the 12:30 Minehead to Bishops Lydeard service, during the West Somerset Railway's Diesel Gala. Without a train in the way, it would be possible to see Minehead station in the distance, a mile away along the dead straight track.

D1010 Stogumber 31 October 1992

D1010 Western Campaigner (masquerading as D1035 Western Yeoman) is pictured amid the autumn colours at Stogumber on 31 October 1992, as it works the 12:30 Minehead to Bishops Lydeard service, during the West Somerset Railway's Diesel Gala.

1010 & D1041 Stogumber 1 October 1995

In superb crisp late afternoon autumnal light, 1010 Western Campaigner & D1041 Western Prince accelerate away from Stogumber on the West Somerset Railway with the 15:05 Minehead to Bishops Lydeard service on 1 October 1995, during the line's Diesel Gala. I was hoping the train wouldn't be late, as the sun was only just glancing across the front of the loco, and even a few minutes delay would have meant losing the light on the front, to say nothing of the lengthening shadows from the lineside bushes! Note the vintage gradient post on the right.

1010 Crowcombe Heathfield 17 May 1997

1010 Western Campaigner arrives at Crowcombe Heathfield on 17 May 1997 with the 18:30 Bishops Lydeard to Minehead freight, during the West Somerset Railway's Diesel Gala. The driver has just exchanged tokens with the signalman, who is now walking back to the box.

1010 Doniford Beach Halt 17 May 1997

1010 Western Campaigner passes Doniford Beach Halt on 17 May 1997 with the 18:30 Bishops Lydeard to Minehead freight. The West Somerset Railway had installed a GWR pagoda hut at this little used station since my last visit, two years previously.

1010 Stogumber 18 May 1997

Complete with 'Transmission Impossible' headboard, 1010 Western Campaigner arrives at Stogumber station, on the West Somerset Railway with the 12:45 Bishops Lydeard to Minehead service, during the line's Diesel Gala on 18 May 1997.

101- Williton 18 May 1997

1010 Western Campaigner approaches Williton on the West Somerset Railway with the 18:10 Bishops Lydeard to Minehead service on 18 May 1997, during the line's Diesel Gala. With the loco number displayed in the headcode panel, mid 1970s style, and the specially weathered Rail Blue livery showing up well in the evening light, the loco makes a fine sight framed between Williton's down home signal and Castle Hill in the background. This loco now carries maroon livery. It was one of the final 'Westerns' withdrawn by BR in February 1977, and has been a long term resident of the West Somerset Railway. 

D1013 Arley 4 July 1987

D1013 Western Ranger rolls into Arley station on the Severn Valley Railway on 4 July 1987. Although the loco is based on the line and obviously sees frequent use, this is not quite the normal passenger working it would appear to be. The clue is in the headcode, as this in in fact part of a railtour from London, which was brought to the SVR behind 37044 & 37091. The Hertfordshire Railtours 1Z37 07:30 Finsbury Park to Bridgnorth (SVR) & Rothley (GCR) 'Independent' railtour. Obviously given the date of the tour we all know what railtour name means!

D1013 Castor 6 October 1990

D1013 Western Ranger looks very out of place hauling Danish coaches as it passes Castor on the Nene Valley Railway with a Wansford to Peterborough service on 6 October 1990, during the line's Diesel Gala. Note the white tree guards protecting the newly planted saplings on either side of the cutting. They obviously had the desired result in preventing the local rabbits eating the trees, as the view now is somewhat different!

D1013 Kidderminster 13 October 1996

D1013 Western Ranger does its bit for the environment, as it leaves Kidderminster station on 13 October 1996 with the 15:45 service to Bridgnorth, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. There was clearly some concern that the loco might be smoking unduly, as the secondman can be seen leaning out of the cab to see how much soot the two Maybach MD655s are putting out!

1013 Eardington 16 October 1999

1013 Western Ranger descends Eardington Bank on the Severn Valley Railway with the 15:35 Bridgnorth to Kidderminster service on 16 October 1999, during the line's Diesel Gala. I suppose the Great Western coaches are partly correct, for despite being built after nationalisation, you could argue that the 'Westerns' were just a continuation of the GWR's policy of doing things their own way, and usually distinctly different from everyone else!

D1013 Bridgnorth 28 August 2000

D1013 Western Ranger pictured on shed at Bridgnorth, on the Severn Valley Railway, on 28 August 2000. The shed occupies the site of the former goods yard, and as can be seen from the field on the left, is on the very edge of the town.

D1013 & D1023 Chelmarsh 30 September 2000

Note quite what it appears to be at first glance! The surrounding green foliage points out that this is not the famous last mainline run of the Westerns on 26 February 1977 (as indeed does the single track). However, it is the original headboard, and the occasion is the first time that D1013 Western Ranger & D1023 Western Fusilier had double headed a train together since that famous day in 1977. This recreation took place on the Severn Valley Railway on 30 September 2000, and it is pictured here near Chelmarsh, en-route from Bridgnorth to Kidderminster. Although I saw the 'Western Tribute' railtour in 1977, my Instamatic B&W picture of the event did not come out very well!

D1013 & D1023 Bewdley 6 October 2002

D1013 Western Ranger & D1023 Western Fusilier leave Bewdley on 6 October 2002, en-route from Bridgnorth to Kidderminster, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. The track in the foreground marks the course of the former line to Stourport-on-Severn, now truncated to a group of storage sidings.

D1015 & 37197 Kidderminster (Hodgehill Farm) 28 January 2002

D1015 Western Champion accelerates away from Kidderminster towards Hodgehill Farm on 28 January 2002 with its main line test run - the 1Z15 10:10 Kidderminster to Sheffield, with 37197 tucked inside for insurance purposes. In retrospect I should have chosen a different location, as the sun is only just reaching the track, but as it was completely cloudy when I arrived, I was unable to judge this. The sun only came out shortly before the train was due, and it was too late to relocate.

D1015 & 37197 Water Orton 28 January 2002

D1015 Western Champion & 37197 pass through Water Orton station on 28 January 2002 with the 1Z15 10:10 Kidderminster to Sheffield, which was D1015's mainline test run. 37197 was purely going along for the ride, just as a back up in case anything went wrong.

D1015 Circourt 23 February 2002

D1015 Western Champion made a triumphant return to the mainline in 2002, and is pictured here working the first Class 52 hauled passenger train on the national network for 25 years. After performing a loaded test run, it worked the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 (of course!) 12:09 Paddington to Gloucester (via Bristol) 'Western Pathfinder' railtour on 23 February 2002, which is seen here at Circourt Bridge, Denchworth. The tour had earlier worked down from Crewe behind another preserved loco - 'Peak' 46035. The gold ochre livery and unusual yellow warning panel are authentic for the loco, and in my opinion suits the class very well. Note the clouds scudding in from the north, which luckily hadn't quite reached the sun at this point!

D1015 Acton Turville 15 June 2002

D1015 Western Champion passes Acton Turville on 15 June 2002 with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 09:09 Paddington to Swansea 'Western Druid' railtour. Western Druid was of course also the name of D1067, which was unfortunately scrapped in 1976.

D1015 Honeybourne 17 August 2002

D1015 Western Champion opens up in spectacular fashion as it approaches Honeybourne station with the Past Time Rail 1Z52 10:54 Paddington to Worcester Shrub Hill 'Western Noon' railtour on 17 August 2002. Westerns were never common on the Cotswold Line in the hydraulic era, most services being worked by the smaller Hymeks. This is certainly the first time one to run over the line since the 1970s. This railtour returned to London via the longer route through Birmingham and Banbury. The loco is just passing over the point that leads to the Long Marston branch, the disused headshunt to which can be seen disappearing into the vegetation on the left.

D1015 Chawson 17 August 2002

D1015 Western Champion passes Chawson (near Droitwich) with the Past Time Rail 1Z52 Worcester Shrub Hill to Paddington 'Western Noon' railtour on 17 August 2002. At this point the loco was still running on both engines, but a failed turbo later on resulted in one engine being shut down, and when I saws it again at Banbury it was running on just one engine.

D1015 Banbury 17 August 2002

Running on just one engine, after an earlier turbo failure, D1015 Western Champion approaches Banbury in failing light on 17 August 2002 with the Past Time Rail 1Z52 Worcester Shrub Hill to Paddington 'Western Noon' railtour. Until 1966 there was a line diverging to the right to the rear of the train. This was the Great Central Railway's 'Banbury Branch', which connected with their main line at Culworth Junction.

D1015 Croome 26 October 2002

A lucky patch of autumnal sunshine at Croome on 26 October 2002, as D1015 Western Champion heads south with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 06:18 Crewe to Plymouth 'Western Pilgrim' railtour. The highlight of this day (at least for the loco's crew) was not on the train itself, but late in the evening when D1015 was working light engine from Bristol to Old Oak Common. It was called to assist a HST that had slipped to stand on greasy rails near Dauntsey. It assisted the HST forward to Swindon, thus becoming the first Western on a service train since 1977!

D1015 Wormbridge 4 May 2003

D1015 Western Champion passes Wormbridge on 5 May 2003 with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z31 07:05 Castle Cary to Llandudno Junction 'North Wales & Snowdonia Excursion. This was the annual outing for employees of Mendip Rail, Foster Yeoman & Hanson, with just a few seats made available to the general public.

D1015 Dawlish 19 March 2005

D1015 Western Champion emerges from the mist at Dawlish, as it traverses the sea wall en-route to Cornwall on 19 March 2005 with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 07:04 Ealing Broadway to Fowey  'Western Lizard' railtour. As I half suspected the sunshine disappeared as I drove down into Dawlish, but I optimistically thought the murk might have dispersed by the time the tour came, unfortunately it didn't!

D1015 Golant 19 March 2005

The highlight of the Pathfinder Tours 'Western Lizard' railtour on 19 March 2005 was the chance to travel along the Lostwithiel to Carne Point (Fowey) branch. From a lofty vantage point high above the harbour, D1015 Western Champion is pictured crossing the causeway at Golant en-route to Carne Point. 66248 was on the rear of the train for working over the single track branch.

D1015 Golant 19 March 2005

D1015 Western Champion brings up the rear of the Pathfinder Tours 'Western Wizard' railtour at Golant on 19 March 2005. I had chosen a much loftier viewpoint for my first picture, but after photographing 66248 bringing the tour back from Fowey, I couldn't resist this going away shot, especially with the boats in the foreground.

D1015 Lavrean 19 March 2005

D1015 Western Champion is pictured passing Lavrean on the Newquay branch with the 'Western Lizard' railtour on 19 March 2005. Although the loco had just shut off for one of the line's many sharp curves, the sound of the twin Maybachs growling up the bank from Luxulyan had certainly been impressive. Locations on the Newquay branch were a bit restricted, especially as the sun was now low and the shadows lengthening. The view from the bridge at this location was very head on, so I left the other photographers there and ventured down into the field for this dramatic view.

D1015 Blackwell 3 September 2005

D1015 Western Champion has just reached the summit of the I in 37 Lickey Incline and is passing the site of Blackwell station with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z29 06:20 Bristol Temple Meads to Carlisle 'Western Heights' railtour on 3 September 2005. For once a railtour without a headboard, so apart from the heads out of the window you could imagine it was an ordinary service train from way back when!

D1015 Smardale 3 September 2005

Possibly the railtour of the year, if not the decade! The first ever Class 52 over the Settle & Carlisle line. D1015 Western Champion crosses Smardale Viaduct with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z29 06:20 Bristol Temple Meads to Carlisle 'Western Heights' railtour on 3 September 2005. The smoke visible over the farm in the background is from the BR steam loco 71000 Duke of Gloucester which passed by less than two minutes earlier with the Kingfisher Railtours 1Z71 13:05 Appleby to Crewe 'Dalesman' railtour. One lucky video cameraman stood near me got the unbelievable shot of a 'Duke' & a 'Western' almost passing on the S&C!

D1015 Scout Green 3 September 2005

D1015 Western Champion races down the grade at Scouts Green on the WCML with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z30 15:30 Carlisle to Bristol Temple Meads 'Western Heights' railtour on 3 September 2005. This is of course the scene of countless railway photos from the last days of steam, as heavy freights were banked up Shap from Tebay.

D1015 Dunston 3 September 2005

An unexpected bonus shot! Approaching Stafford on the M6 on 3 September 2005, after seeing D1015 Western Champion on the Pathfinder Tours 1Z30 15:30 Carlisle to Bristol Temple Meads 'Western Heights' railtour at Scout Green, I saw the tour slowing down on the four track section and being overtaken by a Voyager. The booked stop in Stafford would give me enough time to get a picture south of Stafford. I tried to get to the footbridge visible from the M6 near Junction 13, but couldn't locate the access point in time, so headed for Dunston, a little further south, not knowing if there was a shot from the bridge. Luckily a head on shot just gets the train clear of the wires. I wouldn't normally take a picture at a location such as this, but this was too good to resist.

D1015 Narborough 26 November 2005

In very poor light, and running 35 minutes late, D1015 Western Champion passes Narborough on 26 November 2005 with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 06:25 West Ruislip to York 'Western Yorkian' railtour. Note the former LNWR goods shed, now in use as a builder's merchants. This picture is taken from a footbridge next to the level crossing at the end of the station platform.

D1015 Micklefield 26 November 2005

D1015 Western Champion is pictured taking the Church Fenton line at Micklefield with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 06:25 West Ruislip to York 'Western Yorkian' railtour on 26 November 2005. This vantage point is no longer possible, as the bridge from which it was taken has subsequently been demolished. At the time the A1 had been rerouted and the bridge from which the photo was taken no longer had any traffic. A lower viewpoint from the new road embankment is no substitute, as the track in the distance is no longer visible.

D1015 Clink 21 October 2006

D1015 Western Champion worked its first train since being painted maroon on 21 October 2006, when it hauled the diesel leg of the Past Time Rail 1Z24 06:13 Paddington to Penzance 'Limited' railtour, handing over to GWR 4-6-0 6024 King Edward I at Taunton. It is seen here at Clink (near Frome) just after dawn. I was going to say just after sunrise, but as it had only just stopped raining, and heavy black clouds covered the entire sky, it was still virtually dark! As nice as it to see a 'Western' in maroon, I still think the natural (and authentic) livery for D1015 is gold ochre.

D1015 West Hatch 24 February 2007

D1015 Western Champion passes West Hatch, on the Waterloo to Exeter line with the Past Time Rail 1Z52 07:12 Waterloo to Okehampton 'Western South-Western' railtour on 24 February 2007. This tour was run to commemorate the thirtieth anniversary of the final Western hauled train on BR - the 'Western Tribute' railtour of 26 February 1977. Not having visited this section of the Waterloo to Exeter line since the demise of the Class 50s in 1992, I was surprised at how much the lineside vegetation had increased, so despite visiting various other previously used locations, I ended up back at my first choice, as it was the least overgrown.

D1015 Baulking 16 June 2007

D1015 Western Champion passes Baulking with the Past Time Rail 1Z52 08:37 Paddington to Minehead 'Westward Ho!' railtour on 16 June 2007. The tour was planned to coincide with the West Somerset Railway's 'Mixed Traffic' weekend, in which sister loco D1010 Western Campaigner was due to take part. Of course this location on the GWML must have witnessed the passage of this loco thousands of times in the 1960s & 1970s. Indeed, I remember seeing it on milk tanks in 1973! Every time so far that I have photographed this loco on the mainline since its repaint into maroon the weather has been appalling (note the menacing clouds in the background). I had much better luck with the sun when it was in gold ochre livery! 

d1015 Bredon 23 June 2007

Yet another picture of the maroon liveried D1015 Western Champion in terrible light! At 07:10 on 23 June 2007, with the promised sunny start to the day nowhere to be seen, the preserved 'Western' speeds past the site of Bredon station with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 06:05 Birmingham International to Penzance 'Cornishman' railtour. It was running a few minutes late, but only because it was right behind 170103 on the late running 05:30 Birmingham New Street to Cardiff Central Trains service.

D1015 Kemble 1 September 2007

D1015 Western Champion emerges from Kemble Tunnel with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 05:35 Ealing Broadway to Aberystwyth 'Alliance Cambrian Coast Express' railtour on 1 September 2007. I'm keeping up the tradition with this picture, as it's the fifth one in a row now for this loco that has been taken in terrible lighting conditions, admittedly not helped by it being taken at 07:00.

D1015 Tackley 16 February 2008

My first picture of D1015 Western Champion in the sun since it was painted maroon, albeit backlit. Just after sunrise on 16 February 2008, D1015 is pictured tackling Tackley Bank (between Oxford and Banbury) with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z15 06:00 Ealing Broadway to Holyhead 'Irish Mail' railtour. While waiting for the train I was watching the antics of several Muntjac deer, one of whom had decided to cross the line just before the train arrived. The area of rough grassland above the rear of the train is a local nature reserve.

D1015 Houndwood 3 May 2008

D1015 Western Champion goes where no 'Western' has gone before! The first ever visit of a Class 52 to Scotland occurred on 3 May 2008, when D1015 worked the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 05:10 Tame Bridge to Edinburgh 'Western Scot' railtour. It is pictured rounding the curve at Houndwood with the A1 trunk road in the background. Unfortunately the earlier sunshine had given way to dull conditions with leaden skies. Despite the weather I naturally assumed that this location would be heaving with photographers, it being one of the few classic locations on the East Coast Mainline in Scotland. Therefore I could hardly believe it when I was the only photographer in the vicinity when the train passed! This just goes to prove that the majority of railway photographers will not walk more than a few yards from their cars to take a picture.

D1015 Bo'Ness Junction 3 May 2008

D1015 Western Champion passes Bo'Ness Junction with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z53 16:26 Edinburgh to Tame Bridge 'Western Scot' railtour on 3 May 2008. This was reputedly the first ever visit of a 'Western' to Scotland. Unlike the outward run where I was the only photographer to witness this train pass Houndwood, this location had upwards of twenty photographers on the bridge, obviously helped by the fact that you park right next to the bridge! The track leading through the bushes to the left of D1015 is the connecting line to the Bo'Ness and Kinneil Railway.

D1015 Stonehouse (Bristol Road) 21 July 2008

On 21 July 2008, D1015 Western Champion passes the site of the Midland Railway's station at Stonehouse with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 05:47 Salisbury to Liverpool Lime Street 'Festival of the Sea' railtour run in connection with the Tall Ships event on the River Mersey. I had originally intended to go to Badgeworth for this picture, but as I approached Cheltenham I could see it was just on the edge of a large bank of cloud. Rather than risk it, I headed down the M5 to Standish Junction (which as I suspected was still plagued by shadows) and then ended up here. It was lucky that I did, because the cloud followed me south, arriving ten minutes after the special! This is my first full sun on the nose picture of D1015 since it has been painted maroon.

D1015 Banbury 19 September 2009

D1015 Western Champion pulls out of Banbury station with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 06:30 Didcot Parkway to Blaenau Ffestiniog 'Western Slater' railtour on 19 September 2009. I presume the cheery wave from a member of the station staff on the platform is especially for the tour and not standard practice for every train!

D1015 Bapton 14 October 2009

What has got to be the most unusual freight working of the year occurred on 14 October 2009, when preserved D1015 Western Champion worked the 6Z52 15:55 Quidhampton to Tavistock Junction freight, conveying fifteen calcium carbonate tanks for storage at Burngullow. Running slightly late due to an unplanned run round at Salisbury, this historic train is pictured passing Bapton, in the Wylye Valley. The quarry at Quidhampton has closed, rendering the wagons redundant.

D1015 Fairwood 14 October 2009

In the very last rays of the setting sun, D1015 Western Champion passes Fairwood with the 6Z52 15:55 Quidhampton to Tavistock Junction freight on 14 October 2009, conveying fifteen calcium carbonate tanks for storage at Burngullow. The train has just run round at Westbury, and although now having made up some time after the delay in running round at Salisbury, has had to wait for 43021 to head west, before following on just two minutes behind. Therefore it was traveling very slowly at this point.

D1015 & 47760 Gossington 8 April 2010

I wouldn't normally bother to take pictures of light engine moves such as this, but the unusual pairing of very similarly liveried locos makes it a bit out of the ordinary. D1015 Western Champion and 47760 pass Gossington with the 0Z86 10:03 Bristol Barton Hill to Preston positioning move, shadowing 44781 & 70013 with the 'Great Britain III' railtour on 8 April 2010. The Western would later be dropped off at Tyseley. One of the problems with light engine convoys is that they inevitably look a little odd in an open landscape, so I had deliberately moved nearer the roadbridge for this picture, where the photographic composition was better.

D1015 & 40145 Tackley 15 May 2010

The bizarre combination of a 'Western' and a Class 40 worked the Class 40 Preservation Society's 1Z40 05:20 Crewe to Penzance 'East Lancs Champion' railtour on 15 May 2010. The colourful combination of D1015 Western Champion (masquerading as D1012 Western Firebrand on this side of the locomotive, and D1009 Western Invader on the other) & 40145 East Lancashire Railway are pictured rounding the curve near Tackley in perfect lighting conditions. Both a 'Western' and Class 40 have very distinctive engine sounds, but in combination the resultant noise is something else entirely. Long before the train came into view there was certainly no doubt what was approaching!

D1015 & 40145 Compton Beauchamp 16 May 2010

In dismal light, but thankfully just after the rain had finally stopped for the day, D1015 Western Champion & 40145 East Lancashire Railway pass Compton Beauchamp on 16 May 2010 with the Class 40 Preservation Society's 1Z52 08:50 Penzance to Crewe 'East Lancs Champion' railtour. The Western is masquerading as D1009 Western Invader on this side, and D1012 Western Firebrand on the other. I was surprised that no other photographers were at this location, as if the sun had decided to appear, it would be one of the better spots on the Great Western Mainline.

D1015 Damery 7 September 2013

D1015 Western Champion looks superb, as it speeds past Damery (between Gloucester and Bristol) with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 05:53 Leicester to Weymouth 'Western Wessexman' railtour on 7 September 2013. The loco had taken over the train at Bescot. Initially I didn't think I would get this in sun, as after a bright start, a lot of clouds had started to build up. However, the blue sky made a welcome reappearance at the critical time. Note the milk tanker in the background, making its way back along the narrow road from Michaelwood Lodge Farm.

D1015 Shorthampton 7 September 2013

As the sun sets on 7 September 2013, D1015 Western Champion passes Shorthampton with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z53 15:36 Weymouth to Leicester 'Western Wessexman' railtour  Despite the fact that once past Wolvercote Junction there would be virtually no locations that would be clear of shadows in the last of evening light, I wanted a record of this train on the Cotswold Line, rather than further south, in what may have been better light. At least the sun would have been on the front there, but as I suspected, it had already disappeared.

D1015 Cossington 12 November 2013

Autumn 2013 sees the unusual sight of a Western out on the mainline hauling freight. Who would have believed that could happen a few years ago! On hire to GBRf, D1015 Western Champion was first used on Scunthorpe to Wellingborough continuous welded rails trains, and then on the 6D02 11:21 Wellingborough to Mountsorrel stone empties. Here it is with the latter working passing Cossington on 12 November 2013, under an unfortunately timed big black cloud!

D1015 Cossington 13 November 2013

D1015 Western Champion passes Cossington on 13 November 2013 with the 6D02 11:21 Wellingborough to Mountsorrel stone empties. Unfortunately the timing of this train meant that it would be backlit for the entire journey. However, the sight of a preserved diesel hydraulic hauling freight on the mainline is so unusual, that it is well worth a picture, whatever the lighting.

D1015 Islip 14 December 2013

D1015 Western Champion rounds the curve at Islip on 14 December 2013 with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 07:01 Crewe to Quainton Road 'Maybach Meanderer' railtour. I particularly wanted a picture of this train on the Oxford to Bicester line, as the vintage branch line like atmosphere of the line, with a single track of bullhead rail, will soon be replaced by a modern double track overhead electrified railway, making this view historic. There has already been a change in this viewpoint since September, as the former WW2 grain silo which used to be visible in the background of this view has been demolished.

D1015 Fritwell 9 February 2014

D1015 Western Champion passes Fritwell in terrible light on 9 February 2014 with the Vintage Trains 1Z51 09:48 Solihull to Marylebone 'Chiltern Champion Part 1' railtour. I had intended to walk across the fields from the village to the farm bridge in the background. However, it looked like there might be a chance of some brightness, and as the cutting in the distance would be in the shade, I opted for this spot. Needless to say, the sun didn't appear until I was driving home!

D1015 Wolvercote Tunnel 9 February 2014

D1015 Western Champion emerges from Wolvercote Tunnel on 9 February 2014 with the Vintage Trains 1Z52 12:40 Marylebone to Oxford 'Chiltern Champion Part 2' railtour. This line will close in a few days time for major engineering work in connection with Chiltern Railway's planned Oxford to London (via Bicester) service.

D1015 Wolvercote 10 May 2014

In miserable light, after a heavy downpour, D1015 Western Champion runs along the up relief line at Wolvercote on 10 May 2014 with the Vintage Trains 1Z52 07:00 Solihull to Plymouth 'One Zulu 48' railtour. Note the new point for the soon to be reinstated down relief line.

D1015 Hinksey 10 May 2014

D1015 Western Champion (masquerading on this side of the loco as D1017 Western Warrior) finds a welcome patch of unexpected sunshine, as it passes the south end of Hinksey Yard with the Vintage Trains 1Z52 07:00 Solihull to Plymouth 'One Zulu 48' railtour on 10 May 2014. The return trip (1Z48) utilised GWR Castle Class 4-6-0 5043 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, recreating 7029 Clun Castle's record braking run of half a century before.

D1015 Eardington 2 October 2015

D1015 Western Champion positively glows in the late afternoon light, as it passes Eardington on 2 October 2015 with the 16:11 Kidderminster to Bridgnorth service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. I don't normally like pictures with vast areas of shadow in the foreground, but I think this works quite well. The well scattered flock of sheep helps to balance the composition.

D1015 Crofton 7 May 2016

D1015 Western Champion (disguised as D1010 Western Campaigner on this side, and D1058 Western Nobleman on the other side) runs alongside the Kennet & Avon Canal near Crofton on 7 May 2016 with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z52 07:37 Paddington to Okehampton 'Western Challenger' railtour. Note the 1B03 headcode being displayed in the windscreen.

D1015 Bewdley 19 May 2016

D1015 Western Champion (masquerading as D1058 Western Nobleman on this side, and D1010 Western Campaigner on the other side) makes a smoky departure from Bewdley on 19 May 2016 with the 13:42 Bridgnorth to Kidderminster service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. Brand new visiting DRS locomotive, 68025 Superb can be seen in the background, waiting to work the 15:56 Bewdley to Kidderminster.

D1015 Goole 17 December 2016

D1015 Western Champion accelerates away from a brief unscheduled stop at Goole station (just visible in the background), as it works the Pathfinder Tours 1Z17 05:42 Swindon to Scarborough 'Yuletide East Yorkshireman' railtour on 17 December 2016. I had deliberately chosen this location, as Goole's distinctive 'Salt and Pepper Pot' water towers immediately identify the location. Presumably this is the first time that a Western has visited Goole, as it would certainly have been exceedingly unlikely in BR days. Confirmation anyone?

D1015 & 66719 Gossington 17 September 2021

The working of the year? In order to give D1015 Western Champion a loaded test run, prior to its return to mainline railtour duties, it was attached to the front of the 6M42 09:20 Avonmouth Hanson Sidings to Penyffordd Cement Works empty cement tanks on 17 September 2021. It worked the train between Avonmouth and Gloucester, having arrived in the Bristol area as the 0Z43 06:30 Kidderminster to Avonmouth light engine. After being detached at Gloucester, it would head back to the Severn Valley Railway as the 0Z50 11:58 Gloucester New Yard to Kidderminster. Looking absolutely superb in its late 1960s chromatic blue livery, it is pictured here with 66719 Metro-Land, passing the large gallery of photographers at Gossington.

D1015 Northwood Lane 21 May 2022

D1015 Western Champion passes Northwood Lane on 21 May 2022 with the 15:10 Bridgnorth to Kidderminster service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. Unfortunately it was running a little late, and consequently missed the brief sunny spell!

D1015 Foley Park Tunnel 1 October 2022

D1015 Western Champion emerges from Foley Park Tunnel on 1 October 2022 with the 10:25 Kidderminster to Highley service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. Just visible on the rear is Class 09 shunter D4100 Dick Hardy, being forced to travel much faster than normal!

D1015 & 66714 Tumpy Green 10 January 2024

Running an hour late due to a points failure at Bristol Parkway, D1015 Western Champion passes Tumpy Green on 10 January 2024 with the 6M42 09:20 Avonmouth Hanson Sidings to Penyffordd Cement Works empty cement tanks, which the Western was using as a loaded mainline test run. It was detached at Haresfield Loop, and ran light to Kidderminster, while the train loco, 66714 Cromer Lifeboat, carried on to Penyffordd. Just a little bit of brightness, but the sun that the weather forecast had predicted didn't appear until later!

D1015 Shorthampton 14 April 2024

D1015 Western Champion passes Shorthampton on 14 April 2024, running as the 0Z55 10:20 Kidderminster Severn Valley Railway to Paddington light engine. This was in preparation for the Pathfinder Tours 1Z56 13:52 Paddington to Birmingham New Street 'One Way Wizzo' railtour / loaded test run. As this is a Western, and not a Deltic, wouldn't 0Z52 have been a more appropriate headcode?

D1015 Kings Sutton 14 April 2024

Running exactly on time, D1015 Western Champion passes Kings Sutton on 14 April 2024 with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z56 13:52 Paddington to Birmingham New Street 'One Way Wizzo' railtour / loaded test run. Unfortunately the sun had disappeared just a few minutes before the train was due. This is a very popular location, but even so I was surprised at the number of photographers that turned up to see this. I was glad that I had arrived early, in order to claim my spot in the huge gallery!

D1015 Banbury 14 April 2024

D1015 Western Champion leaves Banbury on 14 April 2024, after its almost hour long photo stop in the station, whilst working the Pathfinder Tours 1Z56 13:52 Paddington to Birmingham New Street 'One Way Wizzo' railtour / loaded test run. Although the weather was now almost totally cloudy, naturally the sun had come out again by the time that I got back home!

D1015 Cassington 8 May 2024

In order to move D1015 Western Champion from the Severn Valley Railway to the Swanage Railway for their diesel gala, the loco traversed the Cotswold Line light engine on 8 May 2024, running as the 0Z52 11:10 Kidderminster Severn Valley Railway to Eastleigh Arlington. Due to the ASLEF strike, this was the only train of the day over the Cotswold Line, and with nothing to get in its way it was 33 minutes early when I photographed it approaching the Burleigh Road bridge at Cassington.

D1015 Highley 19 May 2024

Mainline registered, but on home turf today! D1015 Western Champion approaches Highley on 19 May 2024 with the very well loaded 16:00 Kidderminster to Bridgnorth service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala.

D1015 Kennington 1 June 2024

D1015 Western Champion passes Kennington on 1 June 2024 with the Pathfinder Tours 1Z50 06:20 Tame Bridge Parkway to Paignton 'The English Riviera Airshow' railtour. 50007 Hercules is bringing up the rear. It was 100% clear blue sky when I left home, and 100% cloud cover when I arrived at this location!

D1015 Hungerford Common 6 July 2024

D1015 Western Champion passes Hungerford Common on 6 July 2024 with the UK Railtours 1Z77 06:02 East Midlands Parkway to Cranmore 'Westbury Wizzo' railtour. Note the rake of wagons in the loop in the background. These had been there for four days, after the 7A40 08:40 Merehead Quarry to Hanwell Bridge Loop stone train had suffered dragging brakes, and was terminated here, although not before causing several lineside fires! The defective wagon was removed early on the Saturday morning as the 8Z40 00:12 Hungerford Loop to Theale.

D1015 Islip (Brookfurlong Farm) 6 July 2024

D1015 Western Champion passes Islip on 6 July 2024 with the UK Railtours 1Z79 15:15 Cranmore to East Midlands Parkway 'Westbury Wizzo' railtour. This passed a couple of minutes before the sun reappeared from behind a large cloud, although had the sun been out, it would have been very backlit. The wreath on the front of the locomotive commemorates Andy Venn, from the Diesel and Electric Preservation Group, who sadly passed away a couple of days earlier.

D1015 Churchill Heath 21 July 2024

D1015 Western Champion passes Churchill Heath on 21 July 2024 with the Branch Line Society 1Z52 12:57 Birmingham International to Swindon 'Nosh & Slosh' dining railtour. 57306 is bringing up the rear. This was running 14 minutes late, which was pretty good going, as the 3Z52 09:25 Barry Tourist Railway to Birmingham International ECS, which was bringing the stock up from Wales, was over an hour late at one point.

D1015 Fiddington 21 July 2024

D1015 Western Champion passes Fiddington on 21 July 2024 with the Branch Line Society 1Z53 16:47 Swindon to Birmingham International 'Nosh & Slosh' dining railtour. 57306 is bringing up the rear. Luckily this was running 20 minutes late. At the booked time the whole area was under a large dark cloud, but about a minute before the train came into view the sun came out!

D1023 Northwood Lane 6 October 2002

D1023 Western Fusilier catches a lucky patch of autumn sunshine, as it rounds the reverse curves at Northwood Lane on 6 October 2002, en-route from Bridgnorth to Kidderminster, during the during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala.

D1023 & D1013 Bewdley 6 October 2002

D1023 Western Fusilier & D1013 Western Ranger approach Bewdley on 6 October 2002 with the 15:45 Kidderminster to Bridgnorth service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. The tree in the foreground makes an excellent frame for the picture, but the one just a little further away is just a damn nuisance, by putting Western Ranger in the shade!

D1023 & D1013 Bewdley 2 October 2004

D1023 Western Fusilier & D1013 Western Ranger make a fine 1976 era picture (if you ignore the stock!) as they accelerate away from Bewdley with the 10:45 Bridgnorth to Kidderminster service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala on 2 October 2004. This is how I remember Westerns on the main line (although hardly ever this clean) and if I had only bought a decent camera a couple of years earlier, I would probably have some pictures on this website to prove it!

D1041 Burrs 7 October 1990

D1041 Western Prince passes through the cutting at Burrs on 7 October 1990, whilst en-route from Ramsbottom to Bury, during the East Lancashire Railway's Diesel Weekend. The loco sports one of the earliest attempts to make diesel locomotives more visible to track workers. Before the adoption of half yellow, and later full yellow ends, this yellow buffer beam was tried. Several locos were painted in this style, with slight variation between the Swindon and Crewe built examples.

D1041 Leigh Woods Crossing 18 May 1997

An unconventional view of D1041 Western Prince, as it passes over Leigh Woods Crossing, on the West Somerset Railway, with the 13:05 Norton Fitzwarren to Minehead service, during the line's Diesel Gala on 18 May 1997.

D1048 Bodmin Parkway 23 November 1991

D1048 Western Lady gets some much needed cosmetic attention at Bodmin Parkway on 23 November 1991. For a loco that has had such a protracted restoration saga, it has certainly carried its fair share of liveries. In the very early days it was green, and then during its sojourn in Cornwall it was painted maroon (as we see here). It has subsequently moved to the Midland Railway Centre and acquired the best livery for the class - BR blue!

D1062 Hampton Loade 14 October 1989

D1062 Western Courier arrives at Hampton Loade station on 14 October 1989 with the 11:20 Bridgnorth to Kidderminster service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. This station, 4½ miles south of Bridgnorth, was the original terminus of line in the early preservation days, from 1970 until 1974.

D1062 Eardington 9 May 1992

D1062 Western Courier passes Eardington on 9 May 1992, whilst en-route from Kidderminster to Bridgnorth, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. Note that the loco's number is being displayed as a headcode, something that didn't actually happen until the last days of the class in BR service, when they were all in blue livery.

D1062 Northwood Lane 7 May 1993

D1062 Western Courier passes Northwood Lane (between Bewdley and Arley) with the 15:45 Kidderminster to Bridgnorth service on 7 May 1993, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. The trackbed in the foreground is the course of the old line to Tenbury Wells.

D1062 Foley Park Tunnel 4 October 2012

D1062 Western Courier emerges from Foley Park Tunnel, between Kidderminster and Bewdley on the Severn Valley Railway, with the late running 12:06 Kidderminster to Bridgnorth service, during the line's Diesel Gala on 4 October 2012.

D1062 Foley Park Tunnel 2 October 2015

D1062 Western Courier approaches Foley Park Tunnel on 2 October 2015 with the 10:30 Kidderminster to Bridgnorth service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. The loco is wearing, on this end only, the experimental yellow buffer beam that was carried by D1001 when delivered in 1962.

D1062 Eardington 2 October 2015

D1062 Western Courier passes Eardington on 2 October 2015 with the 15:23 Kidderminster to Bridgnorth service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. The half yellow panel was the standard mid 1960s treatment for the maroon livery, rather than the yellow buffer beam that this loco carries on the other end.

D1062 Eardington 2 October 2015

Catching the last rays of the setting sun, D1062 Western Courier passes Eardington on 2 October 2015 with the 17:42 Bridgnorth to Kidderminster service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. Bridgnorth Aluminum's plant in the background rather spoils the otherwise rural view.

D1062 Foley Park Tunnel 2 September 2017

D1062 Western Courier approaches Foley Park Tunnel on 2 September 2017 with the 11:35 Bridgnorth to Kidderminster Severn Valley Railway service. I believe the 7S38 headcode refers to a mid 1970s St Blazey to Glasgow freight, often worked by a Western, at least for the first part of its journey.

D1062 Foley Park Tunnel 2 September 2017

D1062 Western Courier emerges from Foley Park Tunnel on 2 September 2017 with the 13:15 Kidderminster to Bridgnorth service. This is one of the Severn Valley Railway's most well known photographic locations, but despite the combination of a blue western and a mostly sunny day, surprisingly there were no other photographers around when this appeared!

D1062 Eardington 21 May 2022

D1062 Western Courier passes the private level crossing Eardington with the 09:40 Bridgnorth to Kidderminster service - the first southbound train of the day on 21 May 2022, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala.

D1062 Highley 25 September 2022

D1062 Western Courier (masquerading as D1040 Western Queen) arrives at Highley station on 25 September 2022 with the 13:25 Bridgnorth to Kidderminster service. The secondman is leaning out of the cab to exchange tokens with the signalman. In the background is 31466, which is visiting the Severn Valley Railway from the Dean Forest Railway.

D1062 Eardington 1 October 2022

D1062 Western Courier (masquerading as D1040 Western Queen) does not disturb the sheep at Eardington, as it heads up the valley on 1 October 2022 with the 12:20 Kidderminster to Bridgnorth service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala.

D1062 Foley Park Tunnel 20 May 2023

D1062 Western Courier approaches Foley Park Tunnel on 20 May 2023 with the 09:30 Bridgnorth to Kidderminster service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. A large group of nature lovers can be seen in the background, inspecting the vegetation for insect life.

D1062 Highley 19 May 2024

D1062 Western Courier leaves Highley on 19 May 2024 with the 13:45 Bridgnorth to Kidderminster service, during the Severn Valley Railway's Diesel Gala. Due to an earlier loco failure, trains were now running approximately half an hour late.